Your Web3 Deployment Partner
RAIRTECH empowers enterprises with our open-source Web3 deployment layer

RAIRTECH is pioneering the future of open-source Web3 deployment
With the creation of RAIRprotocol, enterprises can now access a truly open deployment layer, eliminating API risks and fulfilling the transparent promise of Web3.
RAIRTECH supports the RAIRprotocol ecosystem through a comprehensive suite of managed services, ensuring seamless and secure integration for your business.

Our Philosophy
We believe in Self-Sovereign Infrastructure. The dApp layer of web3 needs to be just as resilient as underlying blockchains that power them.
For enterprises to truly scale into Web3, they must first trust the underlying architecture. Blackbox SaaS models for too long have hampered the develop of enterprise grade Web3 deployments. Only a true open source deployment ecosystem can unlock the enterprise adoption our industry needs to scale to the next billion users.
Eliminate vendor risk by easily swapping out one provider for another. No API Risk. No mandatory centralized API secrets required for our platform to work.
Deployment layer
RAIRTECH provides oversight and support for the containerization of RAIRprotocol infrastructure to any cloud environment. Docker based workflows to create and scale microservices needed to run scalable dApps.
Fully auditable source code including a fully open source backend (RAIR-NODE). Create your own API endpoints on your own infrastructure.
Leading EVM-based workflows with easy onboarding for email and social login through advanced AA. Our partner network includes 40+ direct integration partners across Web2 and Web3.
Managed SaaS
Your enterprise demands reliability and uptime. By combining our network of open source development, with proven cloud engineering designed by a team of ex-FAANG engineers, RAIRTECH provides leading Web3 deployment with Web2 reliability.
Scalable K8 deployments managed by experts and optimized for GKE and Akash Network environments. 24/7 monitoring and uptime. Migration support for fully hosted environments. Mitigate cloud risk by running open source on your own infrastructure

Our Partners
Cloud Compute
Akash Network, Google Cloud (Web3 Startup Graduate, GKE Certified Engineers), Azure, AWS + Contabo (for low cost deployment)
Decentralized Storage
Filebase (preferred provider for bandwidth and pinning), Pinata Cloud, Arweave, native IPFS
Alchemy (preferred RPC partner with optimization for AA workflows), Moralis, Infura + Native RPC syncing from any public RPC URL
Alchemy Account Kit, Web3Auth (preferred MPC provider), Privy, Thirdweb
MongoDB (Cloud Atlas or Native), Hashicorp (Vault and Terraform), Vite.js, REDIS, Docker & Compose, Hardhat, Mythx, Selenium
Full EVM support for Base, Soneium, Astar, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, CoreDAO, Ethereum + Testnets (Sepolia).
Deploy With Us Today
We release new integrations monthly. If you would like a specific integration for a new blockchain or infrastructure provider, please create an issue directly on the RAIRprotocol Github.
To inquire about enterprise deployments, please contact our team here directly.

Executive team
Ed Prado
Chief Executive Officer
Garrett Minks
Chief Technical Officer
Martin Casado
Chief Design Officer

Michael Terpin
Strategic Advisor + Investor
Julia Yan
Strategic Advisor
David Jensen
Strategic Advisor + Investor
Matt Neco
Strategic Advisor + Investor
Richard Titus
Strategic Advisor
Bill Rusitzky
Strategic Advisor
Dev Sarkar
Strategic Advisor
Mosh Suzuki
Strategic Advisor